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The Blackbelt from Koepenick




Remake of the Zuckmayer classic in a modern interpretation.




The likewise friendly and inert X is enthusiastic about asian martial arts and commences training at a local club. Soon he realizes that any progress is connected with physical exercises. After several club switches and some failed rank examinations, X has to decide whether to train seriously in the future or to abandon his dream. Reluctant to counteract his lazyness, he continues his club life as a dedicated passive member.


One day, X finds an old training uniform and an outworn black belt in the dumpster. When a trainer job is advertised, X applies for it and gets hired after some smalltalk.


As a diligent spectator, X acquired knowledge of all commands and technical terms. Relying on his pleasant nature, he manages to carry out the training. Emerging doubts in his qualification fade away as soon as X begins to distribute ranks and jobs. Thus, he manages to accumulate followers, although more and more members turn away from him.


It is only when X has to demonstrate his skills during a big event that he is publicly unmasked. Forced to take action, the alerted officials decide to do everything to prevent further publicity and a scandal. For this reason, X is officially certified as a master, and his way of moving and techniques are recognized as a new style.










              Cinema at Midnight                flag D


After several charges for lese-majeste, the Karate-Doctor producers can now dedicate themselves to the film genre. Their transcription of the classic Zuckmayer story taps a further reservoir of upset pillars of society.



9-5 Entertainment                   flag D



The authors' malice for institutionalised authority and its associated regalia shake the foundation and necessities of any civilised human society.


Rating: Skip at all costs





CACTUS          flag AUS  Screen


.... unmasking of a society placing belief in authority before common sense.


   Yes Culture   flag D

Incredibly stupid and dangerous cinema which denies devote behaviour as an appropriate means for deescalation and conflict avoidance.



 FilmNor           flag N 

En spennende og god film, som taper seg ørlite på at den fokuserer mye på dialog og menneskelige situasjoner i stedet for på Antisensei selv.


Cinema Rol           flag NL

De Blackbelt van Kopenick  is een spectaculaire film, buitendien wel eentje waarin een goed verhaal op een sfeervolle wijze wordt verteld.


Literature as Movie                                            flag A


Successful reinterpretation of the well known subject. One can be curious about the announced remake of Moby Dick where the white whale will be replaced by a huge white belt.



Antisensei Revue                         flag D


The latest sorry effort from K-D-movies seamlessly joins their previous productions. Unfounded criticism of the necessities of the sport and spare time industries interchanges with denial of the human urge for a balance between servility and dominant behaviour. Once more the authors justify their outsider position in the cultural scene and outclass themselves anew as a narrow minded societal fringe group.


     Film Yesterday     flag GB


 Driven by a stunning performance of the

 main character, the movie exhibits a

 plethora of disgust-flavoured attacks against

 any kind of fake authority. Nearly all of

 the cast, including the belt, have been

 nominated for major international awards.


                                                                 flag CH



Remake of the classical story in which the black belt is unmasked as the Gessler hat of today's fun martial arts. 



                                                                                                                                                     © 2005 TDI

